
ISO 9001:2015

The underpinning principles of FIRMA Engineering are focused on maintaining a high standard of quality.

To this end we are committed to our quality management system which is Certified to ISO 9001:2015.

Click here to view certificate


FIRMA Engineering Limited is a supplier of technical consultancy specialist structural analysis services to a range of engineering industries including the nuclear and aerospace sectors and to Research and Development throughout the UK. We are committed to providing the highest quality of service to meet customer requirements and enhancing customer satisfaction. FIRMA encourages commitment from all its employees.


Strategically; FIRMA aims to expand its South Yorkshire business and therefore in line with that aim: –

We strive to be perceived by our customers as a company whose service and support, consistently exceed those of our competitors.

We are working to build a company that is regarded by its employees as one they are proud to work for, that communicates with them, listens, and responds appropriately, values them and invests in them.

We strive to be the preferred supplier for our services in our chosen fields.

In the event that one of our customers has a problem with our service or our actions, we will react immediately and decisively to overcome it.

Wherever possible we will do what we have agreed to do, keeping our customers informed of progress. We strive to understand the needs and expectations of all interested parties.

We aim to comply with the requirements of our ISO certification and continually improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System.

Operationally; FIRMA aims to achieve continual improvement of our processes, services, and communication through adherence to our Quality Management System by using a framework of established and reviewed objectives.

The Quality Management System is developed to reflect the above and in compliance with ISO 9001-2015.


Paul M Coates, BSc, CEng MIMMM, Senior Technology Manager, Plant Inspection Characterisation & Development.

“Having had the opportunity to test the FIRMArm and compare to other deployment systems, it stood out as a clear front runner for me, due to its flexibility, dexterity, reach and fine control, combined with a simple operating mechanism that minimises potential fault conditions.

To date the system is a prototype to demonstrate proof of concept, but there is a clear path forward to modify and adapt it to make a robust system that can deploy vertically for 20m or more and then horizontally for up to 5m, depending on payload.  As such the system could be used to solve many challenges in terms of inspection, characterisation, and post-Operative cleanout (POCO).

I have been impressed with the team behind the FIRMArm; they clearly understood the brief and in subsequent discussions they have put forward further simple, but sensible ideas to make the system even more easy to use by operators dressed in full PPE, which inspires confidence. During on site trials, where I wanted to add a vacuum capability to the system for a demonstration, they designed and 3D printed a suitable hose bracket in the morning, ready for use in the afternoon, which was impressive.”

Paul Knight (Technology Commercialisation Manager UKNNL)

There is no question of FIRMA’s technical expertise.

FIRMA have always displayed a high level of professionalism, and delivered on time or ahead of schedule which is always appreciated.

The quality of the work they have undertaken for the Game Changers programme is phenomenal and represents excellent value for money. FIRMA is a shining example of an agile, responsive SME that all large organisations would be happy to have involved in their projects.

Dr. Frank Allison, CEO (FIS360)

I enjoy working with you as a company and think you provide a very professional service.  The monthly updates are well presented and managed.

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