“Flexible Interchangeable Reconfigurable Mechanical Arm”

The FIRMArm’s genesis can be dated back to October of 2019 when the concept was submitted as a response to the Game Changers “Remote working at height in hazardous areas” challenge.

The challenge was to develop a cost-effective modular toolkit for cell inspections/POCO (Post Operational Clean Out) operations. The key functional requirements of this challenge were:

  • Modular design to allow deployment, and potentially self-assembly, in multiple scenarios whilst preferably operating as a single platform.
  • Capable of working at height (<25m for cells, <5m for gloveboxes) in a congested area.
  • Ability for the commercial device to operate for extended periods in a radiation environment.
  • Carry a total payload (end effector and debris) of >5kg, at distance.
  • Ability to accept a variety of end effectors:
    • Compatible with end effectors which can perform characterisations tasks e.g. radiometric, chemical, visualisation etc.
    • Compatible with end effectors which can hold, cut, transfer and retrieve material.
    • Ability to be deployed and retrieved through an inspection port approx. 150mm diameter.
  • Ability to operate without line of sight and communicate outside the cell or glovebox.
  • Ability to be scaled [desirable].

Starting in January 2020, the FIRMA team carried out a thorough feasibility study, looking into various ways in which we could solve the problems presented in the challenge. Very early on we recognised that a segmented arm of some kind would best be capable of meeting all the needs of the challenge.

With our extensive Additive Manufacturing experience. FIRMA realised that not only could we use 3D Printing for rapid prototyping on the project, we could also perform DFM analysis and use additive parts in the final product.

The feasibility study was submitted in April 2020 and was a success. FIRMA was then granted further funding to build a full-scale proof of concept, the Mk I. The Mark I concept kicked-off in July of 2020; the design and analysis was completed by October and manufacture, with the help of CTL Seal, commenced. FIRMA was able to use the ICAIR facilities in Sheffield to carry out full scale trails in March 2021.

In June 2021 FIRMA demonstrated the capabilities of the Mk I FIRMArm to Sellafield and NNL at NNL’s TED rig facility in Workington, Cumbria. This event was a huge success. During the time at NNL, whilst demonstrating the FIRMArm, we were asked if we could implement a rapid modification to enable remote vacuuming through the Arm.

The FIRMA team were able to make the modifications and successfully vacuumed up debris from two storeys up! Thus, we further proved the flexibility and adaptability of the FIRMArm. The FIRMArm was duly declared the winner of the remote working at heights challenge.

Around this time FIRMA started to collaborate with Rawwater and their M3 product for plugging holes and sealing cracks. The combined teams worked together to design and test a new end effector with M3 hose being routed through the FIRMArm. This synthesis of technologies was demonstrated to Seallfield at FIRMA’s workshop, successfully displaying the remote hole plugging solution on several specimens.

In 2022 Sellafield invited the FIRMArm onsite for an active demonstration. FIRMA used this opportunity to put into place some of the learning from previous deployments and the Mk II was born. After some training of the NNL team, who would deploy the FIRMArm onsite, the Mk II active trial commenced in October 2022. The FIRMArm was successfully deployed on the Tank Farm facility at Sellafield using a combined camera and radiation sensor end effector. The FIRMArm performed as expected, enabling detailed inspection of the tank. The modular nature of the assembly meant that the Arm could be deployed easily and rapidly.

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